Kisilier 2021b
Maxim Kisilier. 2021. Reconstructing past coexistence: Problems and mysteries in the multilingual history of Tsakonia, Greece. In Sobolev, Andrey N. (ed.), Between Separation and Symbiosis. South Eastern European Languages and Cultures in Contact, 215–263. Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
@incollection{ address = {Boston/Berlin}, author = {Maxim Kisilier}, booktitle = {Between Separation and Symbiosis. South Eastern European Languages and Cultures in Contact}, editor = {Sobolev, Andrey N.}, pages = {215–263}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, title = {Reconstructing past coexistence: Problems and mysteries in the multilingual history of Tsakonia, Greece}, year = {2021} }