Serbian (Tuchep). Core cases mergers for nouns: Nominative and accusative merger, accusative and genitive merger, 1
Побегла му жена; ...д узмеду таву жену; Реко жене; Pobegla mu žena; ...d uzmedu tavu ženu | ||||||
po-beg-l-a PRFV-run(IPFV)-PTCP-F.SG | mu 3SG.DAT | žen-a wife(F)-NOM.SG | d PTCL.SUBJ | uzmedu take(PFV).PRS.3PL | tav-u DEM.PROX-ACC.SG.F | žen-u wife(F)-ACC.SG |
Pobegla mu žena ‘His wife ran away’; ...d uzmedu tavu ženu ‘ take this woman’ |
Type: Naturalistic spoken
Source: Bukumirić 2003: 271, 338, 208