Bulgarian (Starozagorski mineralni bani). Possessive vs. pseudo-partitive: structural difference: Present, 2
брат му е най-големият от децата на баба ми. brat mu e naj-golemijat ot decata na baba mi | |||||||||
brat brother(M) | mu 3SG.DAT.M.CL | e be.PRS.3SG | naj- SUP | golem-ijat big.M\-DEF.M.SG.SBJ | ot from | deca-ta child(N).PL-DEF.N.PL | na of | baba grandmother(F) | mi 1SG.DAT.CL |
his brother is the oldest from the children of my grandmother |
Type: Naturalistic spoken
Source: Gadjeva 2023a: