Aromanian (Krania). Additive, conjunctive connective: hem 'and', hem...hem 'both...and' (Turkish): Present, 1
aţi'a dz'uu f'aţi em liturγ’'iĭa, em espirin'olu. | ||||||
aţi'a dem.NTR.F.SG | dz'uu day(F).SG | f'aţi do.PRS.3SG | em both | liturγ’'iĭa liturgy | em and | espirin'o-lu vesper(M)-DEF.SG |
On this day, [he, the priest] serves both the liturgy and vespers. |
Type: Naturalistic spoken
Source: Bara, Kahl and Sobolev 2005: 262