Albanian (Muhurr). Aspect: Opposition of forms inside the paradigm, 2
Kur l'ipshin vajz, v'ite shk'oësi, shk'ozi, 'ene heërn e par k’aopte m'ashën. | |||||||||||
Kur when | l'ip-shin ask-IPF.3PL | vajz, girl(F).DIR.SG | v'i-te come-IPF.3SG | shk'oësi, matchmaker(M)-NOM.SG.DEF | shk'oz-i, matchmaker(M)-NOM.SG.DEF | 'ene and | heër-n time(F)-ACC.SG.DEF | e L.ACC.SG | par first.SG | k’aop-te seize-IPF.3SG | m'ashë-n. tongs(F)-ACC.SG.DEF |
When they were asking for a girl, a matchmaker was coming, a matchmaker, and for the first time he was taking tongs. |
Type: Naturalistic spoken
Source: MDABYa 2003a: 170